Agenda “Actions for Gender Development in Academy”

Data inizio
1 gennaio 2018
Durata (mesi) 
Scienze Giuridiche
Responsabili (o referenti locali)
Gottardi Donata
Parole chiave
Gender, equality, policies

AGENDA is a project that involves seven different European research performing organisations with the aims of supporting five of them (henceforth AGENDA-RPOs) in developing and implementing Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). All participating RPOs are higher education institutions from Nordic, Continental and Southern Europe at an initial stage in the setting-up of GEPs. They are representative of the diverse identities within the European framework with regards to gender equality policies and practices in order to maximise the potential of a collaborative exchange of expertise, comparison and mutual learning.

Enti finanziatori:

Finanziamento: richiesto

Partecipanti al progetto

Alessandra Cordiano
Professore ordinario
Camilla Federici
Donata Gottardi
Professore emerito
Aree di ricerca coinvolte dal progetto
Civil Law in general


