Undergraduate degree in the Science of Judicial Services for Courtroom Staff

Course not running


The objective of this course is training men and women to fill traditional posts in the field of law (e.g., clerks to the court, bailiffs, court officials, public security officers, penitentiary staff) as well as new public and private professional services (legal dispute mediators in the context of family dispute resolution, of disputes concerning minor children, of the execution of sentences, of the jurisdiction of justices of the peace; directors of juvenile correctional facilities; assistants at law firms and notary’s offices; private investigators). Thus the course concerns itself with professions for which it will be necessary to acquire both a precise knowledge of juridical concepts as well as an adequate knowledge of statistics, sociology, the economics of organisations, and computer science.

Course details

Degree type
3 years
Degree class
2 - Undergraduate degree in legal services studies
Supervisory body
Faculty Council
Teaching and course administration
Operational unit Law Teaching and Student Services Unit
Main Department
Macro area
Law and Economics
Subject area