Director: Sabrina Ragone (Bologna University, Italy)
Co-Director: Matteo Nicolini (Verona University, Italy)
Tutor: Enrico Andreoli (Verona University, Italy)
“Comparative Courts” is an innovative interdisciplinary Winter School on constitutional justice based on the collaboration between the Universities of Verona and Bologna (Italy).
The WS pertains to the activities of the PRIN 2022 “Swinging Peripheries And Centers in Europe (SPACE): Comparative Legal Dimensions of Territory" (PI: Sabrina Ragone; UniVR: Matteo Nicolini – CUP B53D23010910006).
Law Department, University of Verona
Via Carlo Montanari 9 – Verona, Italy
8-12 January 2024 (3-7 p.m.)
The WS consists of one week of lectures, discussion, and dialogue with experts on constitutional litigation. It explores methods, models, and topics related to how constitutional litigation is studied across the US, Europe, and the Global South from a comparative perspective.
The WS is an intensive one-week program taught in English aiming to provide a comprehensive comparative understanding of the different levels of constitutional justice.
The learning method relies upon the dialogue between the European and the American/Anglo-Saxon system of constitutional litigation, also comparing them to systems of the Global South.
The WS crosses the divides between international law, comparative public law, European Union law, with a keen interest in how constitutional litigation is examined in the fields of political science and human rights. It combines theoretical and practical approaches to the study of constitutional litigation. In addition, the final session is devoted to an engaging conversation between students and two former European and Italian constitutional judges.
Easy to access period
Registration is open until January 8, 2024.
Once registered, you will be contacted by the organizers to create the QR code related to the payment of the registration fee.
The scheduling of the WS takes into account the calendar of academic activities of universities around the world so as to facilitate students’ attendance.
It is open to students from all universities around the world.
Matteo Nicolini (Verona University, Italy)
Marta Cartabia (former Judge, Italian Constitutional Court)
Chair: Sabrina Ragone (Bologna University, Italy)
Francesco Palermo (Verona University, Italy)
Anthony J. Bellia (Notre Dame University, USA)
Chair: Matteo Nicolini (Verona University, Italy)
Andrea Pin (Padua University, Italy)
Luca Pietro Vanoni (Milan University, Italy)
Chair: Anna Parrilli (Verona University, Italy)
Day 4 (Thursday 11th of January, 3 to 7 p.m.) - Courts and Science
Giada Ragone (Milan University, Italy)
Eleonora Bottini (Caen University, France)
Chair: Enrico Andreoli (Verona University, Italy)
Paolo Carozza (Notre Dame University, USA)
Pedro Cruz Villalón (former Judge, Spanish Constitutional Court and former judge, EUCJ)
Chair: Sabrina Ragone (Bologna University, Italy)