Hours 8:30 AM
- 10:30 AM,
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Office hours can be held at the Professor's room (indicated at the top of the page) or via Zoom at the following link: https://univr.zoom.us/j/92064537658, in both cases upon appointment agreed by email.
Only Students with GIA username and password can access the link. Those who are not yet provided with GIA credentials are kindly requested to e-mail the Professor.
Office hours will not take place during exam days.
Modules running in the period selected: 55.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
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MyUnivrDi seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Cooperazione giudiziaria civile | Analysis of the competences, decisional procedures and legislation of the European Union on civil judicial cooperation and especially on procedural and private international law, with particular regard to family matters. | Civil Judicial Cooperation |
European Competition Law | Analysis, in the light of the relevant provisions of the treaties, secondary law, and the ECJ case law, of the legal functioning of the European competition rules addressed to undertakings operating in the internal market (agreements between undertakings and abuse of dominant position) and to Member States (State aids), from both a public and a private enforcement point of view. | EU Competition Law |
European Migration Law | Analysis of the EU law provisions on both economic (EU visa system and movement of third country nationals, family reunification, status of third country workers, status of third country nationals who are long-term residents) and irregular migration (protection of asylum-seekers and refugees, unaccompanied children. | EU Migration and Asylum Law |
Private International Law on family matters | Analysis of the private and procedural international law provisions on family matters (e.g. matrimonial matters, parental responsibility, maintenance obligations, property regimes and successions, circulation of personal and family status, and new family models). In particular, the analysis covers the international conventions developed within the Hague Conference of private international law and the EU regulations, as well as their interplay. | Conflict of Laws (Private International Law) |
Private International Law on migration | Analysis of the impact of the migration and free movement of persons and their families on the private international law issues and the application of the existing instruments. | Conflict of Laws (Private International Law) |
European Integration and Institutional aspects | Analysis of the European integration process and the European Union legal order, political institutions, competences and general principles. | Integration and Institutional aspects |
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