Indirect Access to Justice: Post-codification Diplomatic Protection as A Distinctive Source of Human Rights Protection of Citizens Abroad

Data inizio
1 aprile 2019
Durata (mesi) 
Scienze Giuridiche
Responsabili (o referenti locali)
Ciampi Annalisa
Parole chiave
Human rights, diplomatic protection, ‘humanization’ of international law

This project explores the potential for diplomatic protection to be used as a distinctive mechanism for the protection of the human rights of individuals. The undoubted development of standards of universal human rights protection has been accompanied by a world system which is still state-orientated. In the absence of a universal human rights treaty which provides real remedies for individuals, diplomatic protection remains the most effective remedy for the promotion of human rights. This remedy, being half legal and half diplomatic, is one which will, however, continue to be the subject of controversy. The research aims to reassess the law on diplomatic protection of citizens abroad in a post-codification / globalization context.

Enti finanziatori:

Ministero degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale
Finanziamento: assegnato e gestito da un ente esterno all'ateneo

Partecipanti al progetto

Annalisa Ciampi
Professore ordinario

Collaboratori esterni

Diana Cucos
University of European Studies


