
The Palgrave International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning  (2018)

Milana, Marcella; Webb, Susan; Holford, John; Waller, Richard; Jarvis, Peter
The Palgrave International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning
Tipologia prodotto:
Tipologia ANVUR:
A Stampa
Casa editrice:
Palgrave Macmillan
Parole chiave:
Adult education, lifelong learning, Adult learning, Lifelong education
Breve descrizione dei contenuti:
This Handbook provides a wide-ranging frame of reference for researching adult and lifelong education and learning. With contributions from scores of established and newer scholars from six continents, the volume covers a diverse range of geopolitical and social territories across the world. Drawing on the multiple heritages that underpin research on education and learning in adulthood, this Handbook addresses the inner tensions between adult education, adult learning, lifelong education, and lifelong learning, by using current research and theorizations from disciplinary backgrounds, including philosophy, psychology, biology and neuroscience, anthropology, sociology, history, political science, and economics. It provides an explicit discussion of the differences and tensions between adult and lifelong education and learning, and locates these in different policy and historical contexts, theories and practices. It explores a variety of discipline-based theoretical perspectives, and highlights how these have influenced, and been influenced by, research in the education and learning of adults. The Handbook also explores the inevitable frictions and dilemmas these present, and carefully examines the role of the international dimension in researching education and learning in formal, non-formal and informal contexts, beyond traditional schooling. This state-of-the-art, comprehensive Handbook is the first of its kind to explore adult education, lifelong education and lifelong learning fully as distinct activities on an international scale. It will be an indispensable reference resource for students of education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and for academic researchers, professionals and policy-makers concerned with adult and community education, further and vocational education, or work-based training and human resource development.
Questo manuale internazionale, con i suoi 52 capitoli, è il uno nel suo genere, in quanto fornisce ai lettori un quadro di riferimento molto ampio sulla ricerca nel campo della educazione, formazione e apprendimento degli adulti a livello mondiale. La sua realizzazione è stata possibile grazie ad una collaborazione che ha visto impegnati, per un periodo di tre anni (dalla ideazione alla pubblicazione), settantuno studiosi (di chiara fama così come nuovi ricercatori) che operano dall'Africa (sei), l'Asia (otto), l'Europa (ventisei), l'America Latina (quattro), il Nord America (diciannove) e l'Oceania (otto). Le review di 4 professori ordinari, autorevoli voci nel campo sia dall'Europa che dal Canada e dagli Stati Uniti, sono disponibili al sito:
Pagina Web:
Id prodotto:
Handle IRIS:
ultima modifica:
1 novembre 2022
Citazione bibliografica:
The Palgrave International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning , a cura di Milana, Marcella; Webb, Susan; Holford, John; Waller, Richard; Jarvis, PeterPalgrave Macmillan2018

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