The project concerns the trending topics of public and private international law, and European Union law, as well as their implications within domestic legal systems. In the selection of the issues particular consideration will be placed upon their scientific and practical relevance.
The objectives are the deepening of the investigation related to these subject matters, which is essential to the research activities, and the development of the internationalisation of the Law Department of the University of Verona, which will be promoted as an active centre of debate on unresolved international law issues, thus strengthening the visibility of its scientific areas IUS 13 and 14.
The research will implement a methodological approach in two complementary phases. After a preliminary study, during the first phase expert panels will be organised, where international leading scholars will be invited to discuss on selected international and EU law topics. Subsequently, the unresolved questions emerging from the qualified debate will offer the team the basis to further develop the research activities that will be collected in a scientific publication on the specialised open-access journal “Papers di diritto europeo”.
The project is funded by the programme “Ricerca di base 2015” promoted by the University of Verona.