UNIVERSITA' di VERONA | Dipartimento di SCIENZE GIURIDICHE | Dipartimento di ECCELLENZA MIUR 2018/2022
THE SIRACUSA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE for criminal justice and human rights
Association Internationale de Droit Pénal - Gruppo Italiano
Association International de Droit Pénal - International Association of Penal Law Italian Group of AIDP - The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights with financial support of the Department of Law – University of Verona
Program (https://www.dsg.univr.it/documenti/Iniziativa/dall/dall777283.pdf)
Bureau of the colloquium
• the President: Prof. John Vervaele (President of AIDP)
• the General Rapporteur: Prof. Lorenzo Picotti
• the Vice President: Dr. Elisabetta Rosi (Vice-President of the Italian Group of AIDP)
• the Secretary: PhD Beatrice Panattoni (University of Verona)
14. September 2022
Morning/afternoon:Arrival of participants
Evening: Evening opening reception
15. September 2022
Morning: Registration of participants - Opening session and welcome remarks:
Jean-François Thony, President, The Siracusa Institute
John Vervaele, President , AIDP
Presentation of the General Report Prof. Lorenzo Picotti
Presentation of special reports Prof. Vincenzo Mongillo
Prof. Ciro Grandi
Dott. Ivan Salvadori
Afternoon: Discussions on the General and Special Report
16. September 2022
Morning: Presentation on draft resolutions Prof. Lorenzo Picotti
Discussions on the resolutions
Afternoon: Discussions on the resolutions vote by AIDP members on resolutions
17. September 2022
Morning: Reports received from national groups whose representatives are invited to the colloquium: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, USA,
Departure of participants
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