Criminal Law

Roberto Flor
Associate Professor
Lorenzo Picotti
Temporary Professor
Ivan Salvadori
Associate Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Psychological conditioning and Criminal Law Roberto Flor
Study of the causal relationship of the psychic conditioning from the substantive criminal law point of view and of the dogmatic questions on the inclusion of the so called psychic causation in the category of the causation in criminal law.
Cybercrime Lorenzo Picotti
Ivan Salvadori
Study of the supranational sources of law, the national and international Criminal Law doctrine the national and comparative criminal law in the fight against computer crime and cybercrime
Cyber-criminality Roberto Flor
Rosa Maria Vadala'
Through an interdisciplinary approach and an innovative method based on legal regulation of computer science, study of national, European and supra-national regulatory models of the criminal phenomena related to “Cyber-criminality”, which should adapt to the technological changing environment and, at the same time, should consider the multilevel structure of the legal sources through an integrated approach, taking into account the case law of the higher courts
Cyber warfare Ivan Salvadori
Study of the national and supranational sources of law aimed to prevent and respond to cyber warfare such as the International Criminal Law doctrine in this field
Diritto penale dell’economia Rosa Maria Vadala'
Studio della disciplina dei reati in materia economico-finanziaria in prospettiva nazionale, europea e comparata, comprese le forme di corporate liability e le manifestazioni tecnologiche e digitali.
European Criminal Law Lorenzo Picotti
Rosa Maria Vadala'
Study of European Criminal Law, the national and European Criminal Law doctrine and the jurisprudence of the European Courts and their influence on the EU member States legal system
European and Comparative Criminal Law Ivan Salvadori
Study of Comparative and European Criminal Law, the national and international Criminal Law doctrine such as the jurisprudence of the European Courts and their influence on the EU member States legal system
Criminal Law, smuggling of migrants and Trafficking in human beings Ivan Salvadori
Study of the criminal and non-criminal measures aimed to prevent and respond to smugglings of migrants and trafficking in human beings such as the national and international Criminal Law doctrine
Prevention and the limits of Criminal law Ivan Salvadori
Study of the structure and limits of the preventive offences in national and comparative law, with special regard to possession offences, preparatory offences and inchoate offences
E-Health and criminal liability Roberto Flor
Study of the complex provisions governig resourches, solutions and technologies for Health Safety and Health Institutions, in particular with regard to criminal libality related to incorrect and non-safe use of the technologies by doctors, health managers and health institutions, or related to Virtual Healthcare Teams, electronic patient record and telemedicine
Jurisdiction and competence in the new technological environment Roberto Flor
Study of the possible regulatory models of competence and jurisdiction in criminal matters in the technological changed context, taking into account the effects of the epochal changes due to the development of the Internet, in general, and of the cyberspaces.
Cyber-warfare, virtual war and cyber-terrorism Roberto Flor
Through an interdisciplinary approach and an innovative method based on legal regulation of computer science, study of national, European and supra-national regulatory models of the criminal phenomena “Cyber-warfare, virtual war and cyber-terrorism”, which should adapt to the technological changing environment and, at the same time, should consider the multilevel structure of the legal sources through an integrated approach, taking into account the case law of the higher courts
High level technological investigation and protection of fundamental rights Roberto Flor
Study of the legal framework and best practices, also in the de iure condendo perspective, of computer and network forensics (at national, european and international level) for the colletcion of the evidence through technological investigation in criminal matters, also through the use of invasive devices or softwares infringing foundamental rights. Study, from the sustantive criminal law view, of the topic “Criminal Justice, Data protection and Cybersecurity”, taking into account the special laws on intelligence activities.
Restorative justice Lorenzo Picotti
Study of mediation forms between perpetrators and victim of crimes in a national and comparative perspective
Data protection Lorenzo Picotti
Ivan Salvadori
Study of the European and national legislation and the national and European doctrine concerning personal data protection
Crimes of ulterior intent and preventive offences Lorenzo Picotti
Study of the structure and limits of the crimes of ulterior intent and the preventive criminal law in national and comparative law such as the national and International Criminal Law doctrine in this field
Corporate liability Lorenzo Picotti
Study of the legal prerequisites, coherence and limits of the Corporate criminal liability in national and comparative law
Criminal Law and protection of minors Lorenzo Picotti
Ivan Salvadori
Study of the criminal and non-criminal preventive measures aimed to prevent and respond to juvenile offline and on-line victimization such as the national and international Criminal Law doctrine in this field
Criminal protection and technological self-defense (technological protection measures) of the Intellectual property Roberto Flor
Rosa Maria Vadala'
Study of the legal systems of the criminal protection and the technological self-defense (technological protection measures) of the Intellectual Property, in Italian, comparative, European and International perspective, which includes the study of the (also criminal law) regulatory models of the technological “self-defense” and the relations with the modern criminal law principles.


Research facilities
