Commercial Law

Paolo Butturini
Associate Professor
Bernardo Calabrese
Associate Professor
Andrea Caprara
Associate Professor
Michele De Mari
Associate Professor
Anna Genovese
Full Professor
Giovanni Meruzzi
Full Professor
Federica Pasquariello
Full Professor
Gianluca Riolfo
Temporary Assistant Professor
Marco Torsello
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Research agreement and technology transfer Bernardo Calabrese
Study of research and technology transfer agreements
Patents and Plant Varieties Bernardo Calabrese
Study of patent rights and sui generis rights on plant varieties
Audit and corporate governance Andrea Caprara
Giovanni Meruzzi
Gianluca Riolfo
Study of Audit in the corporate governance
Digital copyright Bernardo Calabrese
Study of copyright law in digital markets
Company and corporate law Giovanni Meruzzi
Gianluca Riolfo
The body of law governing the rights, relations, and conduct of persons, companies, organizations and businesses. The term refers to the legal practice of law relating to corporations, or to the theory of corporations. Corporate law often describes the law relating to matters which derive directly from the life-cycle of a corporation. It thus encompasses the formation, funding, governance, and death of a corporation.
Company and commercial law Anna Genovese
Gianluca Riolfo
COmpany and commercial law
Financial statement regulation Paolo Butturini
The regulation of financial statement passed by annual meetings of corporations and limited companies is analyzed taking in account the essential purposes of the reports and the specific features of such entities.
Equity based crowdfunding Paolo Butturini
Crowdfunding regulation is analyzed adopting the perspectives of investor protection as well as of corporate governance issues. These issues arise by the participation to the company of a large number of investors.
Fintech Michele De Mari
Applicazione della nuova tecnologia all'area della finanza e dei servizi di investimento e degli strumenti finanziari
Fintech e cripto attività Michele De Mari
Business and (health of the) elderly Andrea Caprara
Study of issues related to the relationship between business and issues related to older people
Cooperation of a relative in a business (articles 230 bis and 230 ter civil code) Paolo Butturini
The regulation applicable when a relative of the enterpreneur cooperates in the business without a contract between him/her and the owner is analyzed in the light of the different interests involved. The topic is relevant both by a labour law and by a commercial law perspectives.
Impresa sostenibile Michele De Mari
Innovation and competition Bernardo Calabrese
Study of clauses limitating competition in innovation
Innovation and (business) law Andrea Caprara
Giovanni Meruzzi
Gianluca Riolfo
Study of Innovation and Innovative Business Activities
Internal and corporate governance Michele De Mari
Giovanni Meruzzi
Organization and organizational structures of public limited companies and banks, corporate functions, corporate control functions and internal control systems.
Business continuity and financial distress Federica Pasquariello
Business strategies aimed at continuity of business activity, in order to maintain the effective value of tangible and intangible assets, in case of financial distress. Creditors recovery and a sale of business, or sale of business segments, or assets and relationships as a unit.
Cross-border Insolvency Marco Torsello
The study of the law applicable to cross-border insolvency of undertakings or groups of undertakings operating in multiple jurisdictions, with regard to both the European regulation and supranational uniform law instruments
Trademarks and geographical indications Bernardo Calabrese
Study of trademarks and geographical indications
Project financing, trusts and asset segregation in Italian Corporate Law Federica Pasquariello
Asset segregation and limited liability strategies in Corporate Law
Listing on regulated markets and on multilateral trading facilities Michele De Mari
Listing on regulated markets and on multilateral trading facilities: statutory and organizational reflections also in the perspective of the shareholder-investor
Dissolved Companies and delay from public register Federica Pasquariello
Liability for debts of a dissolved company according to Italian Bankruptcy Law and Italian Corporate Law
Alternative Dispute Risolution in financial, insurance and banking sector Michele De Mari
Alternative Dispute Risolution in financial, insurance and banking sector: structure, competence and legal nature of the deciusions
State, innovation and public undertaking Andrea Caprara
Gianluca Riolfo
Role of the State and Public Enterprise for collective well-being
Investor protection Michele De Mari
Subiects, activities, discipline and supervision on investiment services in the perspective of the financial investor.


Research facilities
