Contract Law

Andrea Caprara
Associate Professor
Giovanni Meruzzi
Full Professor
Riccardo Omodei Sale'
Full Professor
Mauro Tescaro
Associate Professor
Marco Torsello
Full Professor
Stefano Troiano
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Sales Law Riccardo Omodei Sale'
National, European and International Sales Law
International Commercial Agreements Marco Torsello
Study of the law applicable to international commercial agreements, with focus on both the multitude of (national and supranational) sources of law and their interaction, and the substantive rules applicable to transnational transactions
Service contracts Mauro Tescaro
Different agreements whereby a contractor (entrepreneur or not) supplies time, effort, and/or expertise.
Network contract Andrea Caprara
Study of Network Contracts
Network contract and agricolture Andrea Caprara
Study of Network Contracts in Agricolture Sectors
Consumer Law and Protection of Weaker Professionals in the Market Stefano Troiano
Legal framework of contractual and non contractual relationships between professionals and consumers and the evolution of consumer law mainly under the impulse of EU legislation. Reciprocal relation and interference between Civil code and Consumer code. Protection of weaker parties in b2b relations with a specific focus on the abuse of economic dependance and the legal dimension of distribution chains.
Law of Contracts and Obligation Giovanni Meruzzi
Stefano Troiano
General law of obligation and contracts as well as rules governing specific contracts. Evolution of these sets of rules over time especially under the impulse of the processes of harmonisation of private law in Europe and uniformation of international commercial contracts law.
Sales law Mauro Tescaro
The rules relating to the transfer of ownership of property from one person to another for value, focusing particularlly on the italian law but with attention also for the european private law and for the uniform law
The relationship between the debtor's universal patrimonial liability and specific security rights. Traditional and New Forms of Collaterals and Securities Stefano Troiano
Study of the regime of the debtor's universal patrimonial liability and of both traditional and new legal instruments to secure an obligation (independent personal securities, transfer of ownership for security purpose, so called "Patto Marciano", so called "simplified claw-back action", floating charges and other non-possessory security righs, etc.) with particular regard also to their functioning as instruments to overcome a business distress or situations of over-indebtedness.
Soft Law in International Commercial Arbitration Marco Torsello
The study of the sources of law of international commercial arbitration, both in the comparative perspective of different national laws, and in the perspective of the increasing relevance of supranational soft law instruments


Research facilities
