Network project
for innovators in the Veneto administration offices University of Verona
With the Fondazione Giorgio Zanotto ( Giorgio Zanotto Foundation );
and also together with the Master Degree in Management and Innovation in Public Administration and with the Master Degree in Directorship of Public Administration offices ;
in partnership with the "Cantieri Programme" set up by the Department of Public Administration Department for Efficiency in Administration
1. The Law faculty of the Univeristy of
Verona, together with the Giorgio Zanotto Foundation,
has set up a “Master Degree in management and innovation in public administration” which has now been running for two years.
The vast majority of the participants are publiuc administration workers, who go to make up a valuable potential resource in terms of networking with public administration offices, in the local area where the University is active. They also constitute a possible nucleus for a community of workers in the area iteself.
It is in the interests of the university- in its role as a partner in the Cantieri Programme with the Public Administration Department, to activate this potential in aproject which
highlights and further develops the specific responsibilites which go hand in hand with with the condition of modernization which is currently to be seen in the public sector, in the local area it is committed to work with. The project also appears to have aroused a great deal of interest in the Zanotto Foundation, which works constantly to promote high cultural level initiatives, which aim at highlighting the value of the resources of the Verona area.
2. The administration offices themselves are working, although to differing degrees and with differing degrees of success, in the modernization process. Or rather, there are, inside the public administration offices, individuals and professionals who are involved in this process, who require specific coordination, support, training, and innovation studies from the university, which is more than the simple educational syllabus offered by a Master Degree, and which can be thought of as the university's capacity of acting as a catalyst on individuals who have taken part in the course so that they will carry out further studies and and experimentation, as well as being a place for a real communcity of the area's innovators, who can exchange ideas freely together there.
3. The idea of VeronaInnova has come from this: a community of public innovators who are to be found initially among those taking part in the Master's Degree in Management and Innovation in Public administration and in the directorship of public administration offices, which is organized together with the Zanotto Foundation, and among public administration workers from the province area. This community, however, is to be extended to all civil servants in these administration offices, who are involved in the modernization process and wish to make consistent use of the opportunity to compare ideas and learn more from each other. This is work which is based on both the mutual cooperation between those taking part as well as educational services which are provided by the university, working together with the Zanotto Foundation.
If successful, this is an opportunity which can be extended to include the whole, wide area of the Triveneto.
4. The university has a multifaceted role in the project. It must bring the innovator community together by means of offering them a basic networking service; ensure continual access for those involved in the initiative to the addresses and services available in the Cantieri Programme; it must guarantee the opportunity for reflection pauses and further conceptual study which will help the innovators themselves to further their own knowledge and develop new strategies, which they can then share with each other; and it must offer those taking part specific opportunities for research and education, according to the needs of the area
5. This initiative is part of the work done under the partnership with the Cantieri Programme and The Public Administration Department for Efficiency in Administration. Becuase of this, it is closely linked to the philosophies, the work and the services of this Programme and will be carried out together with the Department itself, which will be able to take advantage of the work done.