Roman and Ancient Law

Maria Federica Merotto
Professor from another university
Carlo Pelloso
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Contract Carlo Pelloso
Study on Contract Law, in particular on typical contracts, causa and legal enforceability of untypical contracts, in Roman jurists’ thought and within the frame of the foundations of European Private Law.
Sale Law Carlo Pelloso
Study of conceptual models of sales Law, through a diachronic analysis that goes back to the Roman Law Foundations of this contract, with particular reference to the seller's liability, the guarantees of sale (for absence of material defects and for absence of defects in title), the buyer's legal protections, the regime concerning periculum.
Greek Legal Systems Carlo Pelloso
Study of ancient Greek legal systems, with particular reference both to ordinary legal procedures (appeal, debate and decision, popular actions, procedure of status), and alternative forms (judicial and arbitral resolution of disputes in the archaic epic, Athenian public arbitration).
Public Roman Law Carlo Pelloso
Study of Roman Public Law, with special reference to the functioning, composition and role of judicial and legislative popular assemblies, dictatorship, parricide, sacredness and theft.
Res iudicata Carlo Pelloso
Study concerning the concept of res iudicata, with particular reference to its preclusive effects and to the conceptual relationship between 'part' and 'all' in connection with the notion of res iudicata.
Patti successori Maria Federica Merotto
I patti successori nel diritto romano
Liability and Good Faith Principle Carlo Pelloso
Study on legal liability, with particular reference to good faith obligations, the so-called 'obligations without primary duty of performance', pre-contractual liability and ‘protection obligations’, criteria for the allocation of the of non-performance.


Research facilities
