Lorenzo. Picotti CV (2022)
Born in Verona (Italy) 22.12.1952, married (1980); three children (born 1986, 1989, 1991)
• Since November 1, 1995 Full Professor of Penal Law (scientific area IUS 17) - in the Faculty of Law - University of Trento, since October 1, 2004 in the Faculty of Law, now Department of Law - University of Verona, teaching General Penal Law, ICT-Penal Law, International Criminal Law
• Since 2001: Board of Directors, former Director, Head and Teacher of Penal Law at the “Specialization school for legal Profession” (Consortium between the Universities of Verona and Trient)
• Since 2005: Chairman of the “Privacy Committee” of the University of Verona
• Since 2004: Member of the Scientific Committee and since 2009 of teh Board of Directors of the Association Internationale de Droit Pénal (AIDP-IALP: www.penal.org)
• Since 2005 General Secretary, since 2015 Vice President of the Italian Group of AIDP (www.aidpitalia.org)
• Since 2018: President of the “Associazione per gli scambi culturali fra giuristi italiani e tedeschi (http://www.giuristiitalotedeschi.com)
• 2008-2014: member of the Scientific Advisory Board (Fachbeirat) of the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht - Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)
• Director of the «Rivista di giurisprudenza ed economia d’azienda»
• Lawyer - Bar Association of Verona since 1979, special register of barristers at the Court of Cassation and Superior Courts since 1993
• 1976: Law degree - Vote: summa cum laude (maximum) – Dissertation’s Supervisor: Prof. Franco Bricola - Faculty of Law - University of Bologna
• 1976-1987 Assistant professor - Faculty of Law - University of Bologna
• 1987-1995 Through a national selection appointed as “Ricercatore universitario” at the Faculty of Law - University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti (later: of Teramo)
• 1995-2004: Through a national selection appointed as “Professore straordinario” of Penal Law at the Faculty of Law - University of Trient, 1998 confirmed as “Professore ordinario”
• Since October 1, 2004: appointment at the Faculty of Law – University of Verona
• Since 1995: Coordinator of the research Doctorate Course in Penal Law – University of Trient;
• Since 2004: Coordinator of the research Doctorate Course at the University of Verona; Supervisor of the project for the internalization and tutor of many dissertations of Italian and foreign PhD students
• Member of Final Examination Boards and/or PhD thesis evaluator in Italy (Universities of Pisa, Padova, Bologna, LUISS - Rom) and abroad (Malaga 2013 and 2017, Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Universidad Valencia, etc.).
• promoter for the Italian Group of AIDP (International Association of. Penal Law) and teacher in the courses for PhD students of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure: “Scuola Giuliano Vassalli” at “The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights” (Siracusa and Noto, 2009-2020)
• Teacher in the “Giornate di studi penalistici per dottorandi” (Garda, 2014-2021)
• Teacher in Jean Monnet Courses (Catania 2011; 2017)
• Teacher in “Corso di Alta Formazione” by the “Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna” of Pisa: “Il diritto degli appalti pubblici: profili amministrativi, penali e di etica pubblica” (2017)
• University of Verona and University of Byreuth (Germany): Italian/German international seminars. for PhD students:/Deutsch-italienisches Seminar: 2016-2021
2019: University of Palermo: Teacher in the Summer School “Digital Justice” on “Cybercime”
• Teacher in the Master “Cybersecurity” at University Luiss – Rom (2018 and 2019)
• Teacher in CEPOL Course "Cybercrime: Trends and Threats" at University LUISS – Rom (2018)
• Teacher in many judicial retraining courses organised by the “Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura” and “Scuola Superiore della Magistratura” (Frascati, Rom, Scandicci, Naples, and on-line 2014 – 2022.
• 1987-2016: Teacher in courses and schools for the preparation for the exams for the degree of solicitor organized by the Bar Association of Verona, Trient, and by the Südtiroler Bildungszentrum of Bolzano
• Since 2004: Teacher in many other professional training and refresher courses (for public defenders in Verona and Belluno; for the municipal police of the Province of Trento and the Municipality of Verona; for the Freedom-Judges of the Region of Trentino-Alto Adige-Südtirol; for the training of lawyers for minors of the AIAF - Italian Association of Lawyers for the Family; for the School of Criminal Law of the Union of Criminal Chambers, etc.).
In French:
• 2005-2019: Université de Paris XII Creteuil (France) – Erasmus TS Mobility
In Spanish:
• 2007-2009: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) – Erasmus TS Mobility
• 2008, 2010 Santander - Universidad Menendez Pelajo (Spain)
• 2007, 2011, 2014 Universidad de Malaga (Spain) – Master “Criminologia, Politica Criminal y Derecho Penal”
•2008, 2012: Bogotà (Colombia) – Universidad de Los Andes
•2011: Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile - Magister en Derecho Penal de los Negocios y de la Empresa
•2014: Bogotà and Santa Marta (Colombia) - Universidad Sergio Arboleda
• 2005 Cuenca (Spain), Curso de Verano
• 2003 Valencia - Universidad Menendez Pelajo (Spain)
• 2002 Tenerife - Universidad de la Laguna (Spain): Derecho penal europeo
• 2001 San Sebastian (Spain), Curso de Verano
In German:
•2016, 2018: Bayreuth (Germany): Seminar for PhD Student
•2012: Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany): Seminar for PhD Student
•2018-2022: Responsible of team: “Automazione, Diritto e Responsabilità” (AUDIRR). Five year Project in the Framework of the Department of excellence: “Diritto, cambiamenti, tecnologie” (www.dsg.univr.it)
•2018-2022: Principal Investigator of the project: “Rischio, Governance e Responsabilità nei settori dell’edilizia e dell’agricoltura nell’area veneta” – Co-financier: Cariverona Foundation
• 2008-2009: Fondi PRIN 2007 - Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (MIUR): L'evoluzione del diritto penale nei settori d'interesse europeo alla luce del nuovo progetto di riforma dei Trattati (Scientific National Coordinator) - Two-year Inter-university Project (Universities of Verona, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Catania and Como-Insubria) of remarkable national interest
•2006 – 2007: Fondi PRIN 2005 Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (MIUR): Diritto penale e Trattato che istituisce una Costituzione per l'Europa (Scientific National Coordinator) - Two-year Inter-university Project (Universities of Verona, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Catania and Como-Insubria) of remarkable national interest; Supervisor of the Verona research unit on the specific subject: «Computer Penal Law in the perspective of European Constitution»
• 2004-2005: Fondi PRIN 2003 - Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (MIUR):«Reform of the Penal Code» - Two-year Inter-university Project (Universities of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Milano Bicocca, Parma, Foggia, Ferrara, Palermo, Macerata) of relevant national interest; administrative office: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Scientific National Coordinator prof. Massimo Donini; Scientific supervisor of the Trient research unit, later (since October 1, 2004) transferred to the University of Verona, on the specific subject: «Penal Protection of the Person and new Technologies»
• 2001-2002: Fondi PRIN 2000 - Ministero Università e Ricerca Scientifica Tecnologica (MURST): «Harmonization of national regulations in the field of economy penal law and creation of a communitarian penal law» - Two-year Inter-university project (Universities of Trient, Bologna and Catania) of relevant national interest – Scientific National Coordinator and Head of the operative unit at the University of Trient, on the specific subject: «Harmonization of national penal regulations in the fight against computer and Internet crime»
• 1999-2002: CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche): Head of the Trient Unit for the inter- University research on «Enforcement of law n. 66 of 1996 on the matter of sexual violence» (Scientific National Coordinator: prof. Alberto Cadoppi – University of Parma)
• 1997 -1998 and 1998 -2000: Ministero Università e Ricerca Scientifica Tecnologica (MURST) – General Subject: «Penal systems of the member States in the perspective of the integration and European Union» - More year national research projects (Universities of Trient and Bologna): Scientific National Coordinator – administrative office: University of Trient - Head of the operative unit of the University of Trient on the specific subject: «The fight against computer crime in the penal systems of the members States of the European Union»
• 2021-2022: Participation to the Project «Restorative Justice in Penal Matters in Europe » directed by Frieder Dünkel, Marianne Lehmkuhl and Ineke Pruin
• 2020-2022 : Participation to the Project «The Impact of Covid-19 on Prison Conditions and Penal Policy » directed by Frieder Dünkel, Stefan Harrendorf and Dirk van Zyl Smit;
• 2009-2010: Participation to the Project « Kriminalität, Kriminalpolitik, strafrechtliche Sanktionspraxis und Gefangenenraten im europäischen Vergleich » directed by Frieder Dünkel, Tapio Lappi-Seppala, Christine Morgenstern, Dirk van Zyl Smit ;
•2007-2008: Co-financier: European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and Department of Law – University of Verona: Head of the research project: «New forms of offences to the Communities’ financial interests committed through the Information technologies in a comparative perspective»
• 2004-2005: Co-financier: European Commission; AGIS Programme – Office: Comunità di San Benedetto- Don Calabria - Verona (Italy) - Member of the research team on the specific subject «European Models of penal juvenile Mediation»
• 1999: Co-financier: European Commission “Falcone – Program”; Office: Universidad Oberta de Barcelona (Spain): Member of the research team on the subject «Criminalidad informatica organizada»; Head of the research project: Prof. Fermin Morales Prats (Universidad dd Barcelona);
• 1995-1998: Co-financier: European Commission and University of Würzburg (Germany): research project «ComCrime» (Computer Crime): Head Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sieber (University of Würzburg)- Position: Relation for Italy.
• 1985: Bundesministerium der Justiz (Germany) and Max-Planck-Institut für internationales und ausländisches Strafrecht - Freiburg im Breisgau(Germany): “Jugendstrafe und Jugendstrafvollzug” - Head of the project: Prof. Frieder Dünkel (University of Freiburg, later: University of Greifswald); Relation for Italy (with Gabriella de Strobel)
• Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht - Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany): from June, 1981 to October, 1983; later regularly in 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, September 1989-August 1990; 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, May-July 2004, September 2005, July 2006, July 2007, September 2008, July 2009;
• Max-Planck Gesellschaft scholarship (1982, 1983), CNR scholarship (1983), Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung scholarship (1989-1990, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004)
• August 1996: University of Würzburg (Germany)- Sponsoring: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
• August 1995, August 2003, July 2009 (Visiting Professor): School of Law – Edinburgh (Scotland - UK)
• December 2003: American University – Washington DC (USA) : Visiting Scholar – University research funds (sabbatical year programme)
• August 2004 and July-August 2005: University of California (USA) Berkeley – Boalt Hall: Visiting Scholar – University research funds (sabbatical program)
Insegnamenti attivi nel periodo selezionato: 100.
Clicca sull'insegnamento per vedere orari e dettagli del corso.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Argomento | Descrizione | Area di ricerca |
Cybercrime | Studio delle fonti sovranazionali,della dottrina nazionale ed internazionale nonché della legislazione penale nazionale e comparata nella lotta alla criminalità informatica e cibernetica | Criminal Law |
Diritto penale europeo | Studio del diritto penale europeo,della dottrina nazionale ed europea e della giurisprudenza delle Corti europee e della loro incidenza sugli ordinamenti giuridici degli Stati membri | Criminal Law |
Mediazione penale | Studio delle forme di mediazione tra vittime ed autori di reato in prospettiva nazionale e comparata | Criminal Law |
Privacy | Studio della normativa europea e nazionale nonché della dottrina nazionale ed europea concernenti il trattamento di dati personali | Criminal Law |
Reati c.d. a dolo specifico e diritto penale preventivo | Studio della struttura normativa dei reati c.d. a dolo specifico e delle tecniche di anticipazione della tutela penale in prospettiva comparata nonché della dottrina nazionale ed internazionale in materia | Criminal Law |
Responsabilità da reato degli enti | Studio della natura giuridica e dei fondamenti della responsabilità da reato degli enti alla luce del formante dottrinale e giurisprudenziale | Criminal Law |
Tutela penale dei minori | Studio delle misure penali ed extrapenali di prevenzione e repressione della vittimizzazione offline ed online dei minori nonché della dottrina nazionale ed internazionale in materia | Criminal Law |
Carica | Organo collegiale |
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Nuove tecnologie e diritti fondamentali | |
università di verona | Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali |
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