Litigation, Adjudication and Dispute Resolution

Enrico Andreoli
Temporary Assistant Professor
Annalisa Ciampi
Full Professor
Giovanna Ligugnana
Associate Professor
Matteo Nicolini
Associate Professor
Francesca Ragno
Professor from another university
Research interests
Topic People Description
Administrative justice Giovanna Ligugnana
Internal review procedures and redress, administrative justice other than judicial review
International Commercial Arbitration Francesca Ragno
Analysis of the scope and the features of International Commercial Arbitration, with particular regard to its interaction with national legal systems
International Arbitration Annalisa Ciampi
International arbitration as a means of dispute settlement between States, States and foreign investors (Investment Arbitration) and between private parties (Commercial Arbitration)
Constitutional Litigation Enrico Andreoli
Matteo Nicolini
The field explores legal principles, machineries, and devices which make the fundamental law justiciable. It also devises models of adjudication which aim to deliver a synthesis of complexity by legal categories.
Lis alibi pendens and circulation of decisions in civil and commercial matters Francesca Ragno
Mechanisms dealing with the occurence of parallel proceedings before courts of different States and analysis of the legal framework governing the circulation of decisions in civil and commercial matters, with particular regard to the conditions for the recognition and enforcement of foreign decisions in Italy


Research facilities
