The project has been submitted by the Regional Innovative Network "Face Design" (Fashion Creative Enterprises and Design), of which the University of Verona is a member, and is co-funded by the "POR FESR 2014-2020. Axis 1. Action 1.1.4 "Support for collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services" ( ). The Law Department, in the person of Prof. Baruffi, is in charge of creating the Research Laboratory "Traceability for authenticity", aimed at carrying out research and analysis on issues related to the legal protection of the "Made in" and the internal market in the European Union, with regard to the specific policies dedicated on creative industries and the fashion industry, including consumer protection and competition law. The program is based on a close interaction with the participating companies in order to outline guidelines on the protection of fashion products Made in Italy.