Family Law

Alessandra Cordiano
Full Professor
Giorgia Anna Parini
Associate Professor
Giovanni Rossi
Full Professor
Sara Scola
Temporary Assistant Professor
Mauro Tescaro
Associate Professor
Stefano Troiano
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Family and Minors Law Alessandra Cordiano
Giorgia Anna Parini
Changes in Family and parental Models (Civil partnerships and Same-sex couples); Family Crisis and Conflict: Judicial Separation, Divorce and Child custody; Law in relation to Children (Legal status and Parentage), Parental Responsibility and Youth Justice; Adoption and Foster Care.
Family and succession law Sara Scola
Stefano Troiano
Studies concerning the legal dimension of family relationship inside and outside wedlock, with regard to both personal and marital property law regimes within the family. Reformed law of filiation and rules ensuring protection of minor children and other vulenrable persons within the family and in the society. Same-sex civil unions and factual personal partnerships. Implications of family law on the regime of succession with a specific focus on the succession within family businesses.
Personal and property relations between spouses Giovanni Rossi
Juridical rules governing familiaris societas in Medieval and Modern European history – Sources: Roman law; canon law; local practices; juridical systems of Modern National States
Protection of incapable persons Sara Scola
Mauro Tescaro
Protection for incapable persons, both minors and adults, regarding patrimonial and non-patrimonial issues


Research facilities
