

Lines of research

Tradition, innovation, interdisciplinarity and internationalisation lie at the foundation of a highly versatile department that has the double objective of providing high quality teaching and research. Based on a solid tradition of legal studies, the Department offers education and academic innovation in both a national and international context. Fulfilling qualitative objectives and recognising and awarding excellence, the Department independently pursues the success pathway established by the national Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR, 2004-2010) project, consistently maintaining the quality of its research (individual and structured) and adopting innovative teaching methods that guarantee the Department’s competitiveness locally, nationally and internationally. The Department pursues solid lines of research while also encouraging studies that may be original in their methodology, content or objectives. It promotes integrated and interdisciplinary study perspectives through interaction with other disciplinary areas at a national and international level.
In research areas characterised by complex, global perspectives and interdisciplinary elements which require the confluence of different methodological approaches, the Department has singled out the following strategic lines of research, which involve all the scientific disciplinary sectors:

  • Anti-discrimination law
  • Citizenship rights and social rights
  • Family and minors
  • Responsibility
  • Transnational contractual relations
  • European private law
  • Business, work, crises, finance and competition
  • Biolaw
  • Multilevel systems
  • Land and environment
  • Alternative justice

Department Series

The Department also publishes a peer-reviewed legal studiesseries through Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane (ESI).

Department by the numbers

Persone del Dipartimento suddivise per aree di ricerca.
Anno di riferimento: 2024.


Research facilities
