Research groups


The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS or Committee) represents at the international level the most important source of standards and rules in the field of banking and financial regulation (Basel rules); especially, but not exclusively, with regard to financial intermediaries’ capital requirements. Its main objective is to enhance global financial stability. This research project will address three distinct but correlated aspects of the Committee. The first aspect concerns the legal nature of the rules it adopts. The second relates to the legitimacy of the Basel Committee as “the primary global standard-setter” (Article 1, BCBS Charter) and of its rules. The third aspect concerns the regulatory strategy adopted by the Committee in order to pursue its objectives, in other words, it addresses the effectiveness of the regulatory framework. It is believed that these issues deserve further investigation. The project will address these aspects, by looking for useful analytical tools in distinct but complementary analytical frameworks, such as international law, global administrative law, economic law and financial economics. The goal is to find the most appropriate analytical and regulatory instruments to undertake the intended assessments and support the necessary policy and legal changes. The assumption is that each of the mentioned analytical framework can prove to be the most suitable to address some of the issues compared to the others.
Contact people
Enrico Milano

Enrico Milano
Full Professor
Matteo Ortino
Associate Professor
Giovanna Ligugnana
Associate Professor
External components
Giovanna Adinolfi
Università degli Studi di Milano
Erzsebet Csatlos
Università di Szeged
Jan Riepe
Università di Teubingen
Anna Maria Viterbo
Università di Torino
Jens Binder
Università di Tuebingen
Christos Haddjiemmanuil
London School of Economics
Panagiotis Staikouras
University of Piraeus
Topic Research area
Soft law and international normativity International Law (excl. International Trade Law)
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
The Basel Regulations: Investigating their Legality, Legitimacy and Effectiveness (BRILLE) Enrico Milano Ateneo di Verona - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento Feb 1, 2017 24


Research facilities
