LEZIONI MARTEDi' EBCAS posticipate ORE 16.30 come da richiesta STUDENTI

LEZIONI MARTEDi' EBCAS posticipate ORE 16.30 come da richiesta STUDENTI

LEZIONI MARTEDi' posticipate ORE 16.30 come da richiesta STUDENTI
Publication date
Monday, October 30, 2017 - 11:50:16 AM
Last Modified
Monday, October 30, 2017- 11:50:35 AM
LEZIONI MARTEDi' EBCAS posticipate ORE 16.30 come da richiesta STUDENTI
Published by
Paolo Roffia
Economics, financial statement and control of Italian healthcare and social care organizations (2017/2018)