Negotiations, Mediation and Diplomacy (II Sem)
Human Rights: Whose Rights? What Rights? Why? (I sem.)
Diritti umani: Di chi sono? Cosa sono? A cosa servono?
Negoziazione, mediazione e diplomazia: prevenire e risolvere i conflitti
How Do Mediators Handle Parties With Unrealistic Expectations? Encourage Empathy to Resolve Family Disputes, Mediator Experts, Jan 28, 2025
L'istituto della contumacia nell'ordinamento italiano e beyond passato, presente e futuro, Le monografie di Int'l Lis. Collana diretta da Nicolò Trocker e Claudio Consolo, 2024 Interview: A Tale of Deforestation, Death and Defamation in Borneo’s Jungle May End in a Swiss Court 29.02.2024
Sovranità tecnologica quale elemento fondamentale per lo sviluppo dell'autonomia strategica nazionale (Roma: Istituto di Ricerca e Analisi della Difesa Ufficio Studi, Analisi e Innovazione, 2022)
Il conflitto russo-ucraino: analisi, cambiamenti, prospettive, Editoriale n. 2/2022 (
I Crimini di Putin/ "Per fare una Norimberga giusta bisogna volere la pace" ( 12.04.2022
The Role of the Internet in International Law-Making, Implementation and Global Governance HJIL 2021
The Trials of Diet Prada 16.09.2021
UE vs CINA/ Così l’arma spuntata dei diritti umani penalizza le imprese europee 21.05.2021
The many “firsts” of Kamala Harris – European Network for Women Excellence ( 28.01.2021
Leadership femminile, il parere delle protagoniste - iO Donna 10.01.2021
What future for large-scale mobilizations? Festival della Diplomazia XI ed., 23.10.2020
BREXIT/ Il giurista: le critiche di von der Leyen al Regno Unito sono infondate 2.10.2020
Distance learning, and so much more. Meet Annalisa Ciampi, Professor of International Law at the Department of Law, 20.5.2020
Usa-Iran: riflessioni sulla crisi internazionale, 13.01.2020
EU’s International Treaties, the New Investment Court System (ICS) and Human Rights, Osservatorio sulle fonti 2019
Can the EU Ensure Respect for the Rule of Law by its Member States? The Case of Poland, Osservatorio sulle fonti 2018
Case Report Ballantine v Dominican Republic - CAFTA-DR - PCA 2016-17 - Final Award including Dissenting Opinions - 03 September 2019 Case Report by Annalisa Ciampi, Editor: Ignacio Torterola
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Modules running in the period selected: 62.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
International Arbitration | International arbitration as a means of dispute settlement between States, States and foreign investors (Investment Arbitration) and between private parties (Commercial Arbitration) | Litigation, Adjudication and Dispute Resolution |
Human rights | Human rights protection at the universal, regional and constituional level | Human Rights Law |
International Trade and Investment Law | International norms on inter-State trade and the protection of foreign investment | International Trade Law |
Law and Literature; History and International Law | The interface between international law, art and literature and the intertwined relationship between history and international law | Law not elsewhere classified |
International Criminal Law | The International Criminal Court: Issues of jurisdiction and State cooperation | Legal Institutions |
The Italian Doctrine of International Law | The studies of international law in Italy and the contribution of the Italian doctrine to the development of international law | Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation |
Human Rights and Migration | Human rights and refugee protection in the EU and the European migration policy . | EU Migration and Asylum Law |
International Organizations | Universal and regional international organizations, with a focus on issues of competence and responsibility | International Law (excl. International Trade Law) |
Cultural Heritage | International instruments and Italian legislation on the protection of cultural property | International Law (excl. International Trade Law) |
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