Hours 3:00 PM
- 5:00 PM,
Palazzo di Giurisprudenza, Floor 1, room 06
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MyUnivrDi seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
General Clauses, Standards and Principles in Private Law | Study of role and functions of general clauses and vague notions in private law, with specific regard on contract law and their relationship to general principles. Evolution of traditional general clauses or concepts in contental civil law systems (e.g. good faith, abuse of rights) and emersion of new concepts (e.g. reasonableness). | Civil Law in general |
Consumer Law and Protection of Weaker Professionals in the Market | Legal framework of contractual and non contractual relationships between professionals and consumers and the evolution of consumer law mainly under the impulse of EU legislation. Reciprocal relation and interference between Civil code and Consumer code. Protection of weaker parties in b2b relations with a specific focus on the abuse of economic dependance and the legal dimension of distribution chains. | Contract Law |
Law of Contracts and Obligation | General law of obligation and contracts as well as rules governing specific contracts. Evolution of these sets of rules over time especially under the impulse of the processes of harmonisation of private law in Europe and uniformation of international commercial contracts law. | Contract Law |
Inmovable Property Law | Law of inmovable property and possession. Transfer of title and contracts concerning inmovable assets in general. Real security rights. Relationship with the land registration regime and the rules on asset security for non-performance. | Property Law (excl. Intellectual Property Law) |
Law of Land Registration | Legal functioning and consequences of the system of rules governing land registration of juridical acts and judicial claims in Italian law. Implications of this system on the general law of contract and the principles governing the transfer of title in Italian law. | Civil Law in general |
Family and succession law | Studies concerning the legal dimension of family relationship inside and outside wedlock, with regard to both personal and marital property law regimes within the family. Reformed law of filiation and rules ensuring protection of minor children and other vulenrable persons within the family and in the society. Same-sex civil unions and factual personal partnerships. Implications of family law on the regime of succession with a specific focus on the succession within family businesses. | Family Law |
Private Law of Germanic Area Legal Systems | Study of the Private Law of German speaking countries and their relationship with the Italian legal system. Legal comparison between systems and institutes of private law. Comparazione tra i sistemi e gli istituti del diritto privato. Analysis of the Reform of the German law of obligation (Schuldrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz). | Civil Law in general |
European Private Law and its Harmonisation | Analysis of the development of Italian private law within the framework of the process of European harmonisation, with a focus on the national provisions deriving from EU Directives or laid down in EU Regulations or the EU Treaties and on the contribution of scholars and courts in moulding both general and field-specific common principles of European private law | Civil Law in general |
The Protection of Privacy and Other Fundamental Rights in the IT Society and the building of the so-called "Data Economy". | Study of the forms of private law protection of fundamental rights, especially privacy (but also personal identity, health, image, etc.) as regards the new challenges of the IT society and the regime of the new instruments for data circulation in the so-called Data Economy. Analysis of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the EiDas Regulation. | Human Rights Law |
The relationship between the debtor's universal patrimonial liability and specific security rights. Traditional and New Forms of Collaterals and Securities | Study of the regime of the debtor's universal patrimonial liability and of both traditional and new legal instruments to secure an obligation (independent personal securities, transfer of ownership for security purpose, so called "Patto Marciano", so called "simplified claw-back action", floating charges and other non-possessory security righs, etc.) with particular regard also to their functioning as instruments to overcome a business distress or situations of over-indebtedness. | Contract Law |
Tort and the Debtor's Liability for Non-Performance: General System and Special Liability Regimes in the IT Society | Analysis of the general system of both contractual and extra-contractual liability as well of special liability regimes with particular regard also to the process of harmonisation of European private law and the implications of new technologies and the massive spread of information in the Internet society. | Tort Law |
Office | Collegial Body |
member | Faculty Board of PhD in European and International Law - Department Law |
member | Collegio didattico di Giurisprudenza - Department Law |
member | Computer Science Teaching Committee - Department Computer Science |
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale in Contratti per l'impresa - Department Law | |
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Diritto dell'informatica e della rete | |
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento in International Commercial Contracts – Summer School - Department Law | |
Verona University | Managing Council of the Specialization School for Legal Professions |
department director | Academic Senate |
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