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Meeting ID: 947 027 0931
Francesco Palermo si occupa di diritto costituzionale comparato, italiano ed europeo, con particolare attenzione ai rapporti tra i livelli di governo e ai diritti delle minoranze. È stato senior legal adviser dell’Alto Commissario OSCE per le minoranze nazionali, presidente del comitato consultivo della convenzione quadro del Consiglio d’Europa per la tutela delle minoranze nazionali, membro e vicepresidente del comitato scientifico dell’Agenzia per i diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea, presidente dell’International Association of Centers for Federal Studies e senatore della Repubblica. È membro del comitato di esperti indipendenti del Consiglio d’Europa per la Carta delle autonomie locali e Constitutional Advisor del Congresso dei poteri regionali e locali del Consiglio d'Europa.
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MyUnivrDi seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Participatory democracy | In all countries, decision making rocedures are under stress. Representative democracy can no longer claim universal representation, while direct democratic instruments are unfit to incude minorities. As a consequence, new, legally regulated forms of participation and inclusion are being developed. These procedures and their legal safeguards are studied in this line of research | Public comparative law |
Minority rights and diversity governance | Together with a number of projects on the ground with several international organizations (OSCE, Council of Europe, European Union), this research line focuses on the rights of persons belonging to minorities and of groups, with a view to designing solutions for the management of diversity claims in coplex societies. | Public comparative law |
Comparative federalism | Combined with a number of projects on the ground with several international organizations and networks, this research line deals with questions such as: How do federal and regional systems work? How does their adaption take place? How are powers divided and exercised in a compound structure? How do courts interpret intergovernmental relations? | Public comparative law |
Legal pluralism | Legal pluralism acknowledges that in any geographical space defined by the conventional boundaries of a nation state, there is more than one law or legal system. The research looks at how different sources and providers of law, with different origins and legitimacies, coexist in one (complex) legal framework. This phenomenon does not only affect former colonial systems but also western countries | Public comparative law |
Constitutional transformations | The research focuses on the formation, the evolution, the protection and the dissolution of constitutions. Especially the birth and death of constitutional systems are analyzed by looking at the procedures aiming at establishing legal rules for processes that used to be outside of the realm of law. This way, the study contributes to the comparative study of contemporary constitutionalism | Public comparative law |
Office | Collegial Body |
member | Teaching staff council for the doctorate in Italian and European Constitutional Law |
member | Faculty Board of PhD in European and International Law - Department Law |
member | Collegio didattico di Giurisprudenza - Department Law |
Teaching Committee for Foreign Languages and Literatures - Department Foreign Languages and Literatures | |
Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento e di Aggiornamento professionale in I nuovi strumenti della contabilità degli enti locali. Novità legislative e riflessioni sulle prassi - Department Law | |
member | Legal Studies Department Council - Department Law |
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