Postgraduate Specialisation for Legal Professions


Course modules

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List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
State and Public Entities Accounting Jacopo Bercelli (Coordinator)
Administrative Law 1 Jacopo Bercelli (Coordinator)
Civil Law 1 Mirko Faccioli
Business law Giovanni Meruzzi (Coordinator)
Labour law I Laura Calafà (Coordinator)
European Union Law Maria Caterina Baruffi
Criminal Law 1 Lorenzo Picotti (Coordinator)
Civil Procedure Law I See the teaching page
Criminal procedure law I Elisa Lorenzetto (Coordinator)
Economia e contabilita' industriale Chiara Leardini
Elementi di informatica giuridica See the teaching page
Esame teorico-pratico i anno (percorso comune) See the teaching page
Fondamenti del diritto europeo Tommaso Dalla Massara
Stage See the teaching page
Deontologia giudiziaria e forense See the teaching page
Administrative Law 2 Jacopo Bercelli (Coordinator)
Civil law II Stefano Troiano (Coordinator)
Diritto commerciale (GF) Federica Pasquariello
Diritto dei titoli di credito See the teaching page
Diritto della proprieta' e dei diritti reali See the teaching page
Land registration Law See the teaching page
Voluntary jurisdiction Law See the teaching page
Labour Law II Laura Calafà
Diritto delle imprese e delle societa' See the teaching page
Diritto delle obbligazioni e dei contratti See the teaching page
Diritto delle persone See the teaching page
Law of Succession See the teaching page
Family Law See the teaching page
Church law Giuseppe Comotti
International law See the teaching page
Criminal Law II Lorenzo Picotti (Coordinator)
Civil Procedure Law II Alberto Maria Tedoldi
Criminal procedure law II Elisa Lorenzetto (Coordinator)
Roman Law Carlo Pelloso
Taxation Law See the teaching page
Diritto tributario 03-02 notarile See the teaching page
Diritto urbanistico e dell'edilizia pubblica See the teaching page
Esame teorico-pratico ii anno forense 03-01 See the teaching page
Esame teorico pratico ii anno notarile 03-02 See the teaching page
Legislazione e deontologia notarile See the teaching page
Ordinamento giudiziario e forense See the teaching page
Stage ii anno forense 03-01 See the teaching page
Stage ii anno notarile 03-02 See the teaching page
Tecnica della comunicazione e dell'argomentazione Tommaso Dalla Massara

Further didactic activities
