


The Department of Law of the University of Verona carries out and promotes teaching and research activities in subject matters pertaining to Area 12 – Law Studies (Italian National University Council). Since 2012, the Department has succeeded the Faculty of Law (already established in 1995), to which the legal scholars previously affiliated with the Faculty of Economics had moved; currently, it is composed of more than sixty faculty members representing all scientific disciplinary groups of Area 12 – Law Studies, as well as six members of the administrative staff.

The wide range of scientific sectors featured in the Department of Law, along with the close integration of legal studies in the teaching programs of many other Departments of the University of Verona (e.g., Economics; Management; Human Sciences; Foreign Languages and Literatures; Medicine; Computer Science; Biotechnology; Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement Science), constitutes a distinctive aspect that contributed over the years to a high ranking attributed to the Department in the evaluation procedure of the quality of University research, and to the acknowledgment as “Department of Excellence” for the years 2018-2022 on the basis of the Project “Law, Changes and Technologies”.


The aims of the Department of Law concerning teaching, research, and third stream/public engagement activities follow those encompassed in the vision of quality assurance of the University of Verona, approved by its governing bodies, in particular by identifying the specific objectives of the Strategic Plan of the University to which the Department contributes.

Continuing the novelties introduced by the Project on which the “Department of Excellence” (2018-2022) was built, the Laboratories for innovative teaching are featured permanently in the didactic programs offered by the Department of Law. In addition, collaborative publications, the organisation of conferences and seminars, and participation in national, European, and international projects favour the development of improved teaching courses, as well as their interdisciplinarity and global outreach. The Department intends to ensure a high level of quality of the teaching activities, also in consideration of the outcomes of the students’ satisfaction surveys and the feedback collected from the stakeholders, to enhance the English courses offered in its degree programs, and to provide opportunities for contact between students and professors who manage the exchange programs.

With regard to research, the Department of Law carries out activities focused on established fields of interest. Furthermore, following its experience as “Department of Excellence” (2018-2022), it promotes research characterised by original methods, contents, and objectives, by creating several interdisciplinary research Teams. Therefore, the Department fosters studies featuring firmly integrated and interdisciplinary perspectives at national and supranational levels. It also aims to support the mobility of professors and researchers (both outgoing and incoming), as well as the international dimension of its Ph.D. program.

When it comes to third stream/public engagement activities, the Department’s goals can be detailed as follows: the commitment to education toward citizens to equip them with critical thinking on current topics having legal relevance; the commitment to awareness-raising on the impact that each individual can have to improve the social environment; the cooperation with local stakeholders (in particular, secondary schools) to progress the sense of civic participation.

The Department further enhances existing and new collaborations with institutional and industrial stakeholders for the purposes of concluding agreements for activities to be carried out on a contract basis, and to implement traineeship and job placement opportunities for students.

Objectives and targets of the Department of Law

The Department of Law drew up a strategic plan for the years 2023-2025 (Piano degli obiettivi del Dipartimento (POD) per il triennio 2023-2025), through which it has identified, according to its goals and ambitions, the operational targets and the actions needed to achieve them for each objective in the areas of research, teaching, third stream/public engagement activities, and faculty and staff.



The department in brief
Via Carlo Montanari, 9 - 37122 Verona ;
Santa Marta, via Cantarane, 24 - 37129 Verona
Prof. Giuseppe Comotti
Deputy Director
Prof. Giovanni Meruzzi


Department by the numbers

Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento, suddivise per aree di ricerca.
Anno di riferimento: 2023.
