Advanced / Professional development course in Composition with creditors and bankruptcy

Course not running


This course is taught by academic, judicial and forensic bankruptcy law experts. It covers every type of case related to composition with creditors and bankruptcy, whether dogmatic or technical, at a specialised level. In particular, it focuses on the content and development of the proposal, the role of the judge and the parties involved in the process, as well as the professionals who help. It covers procedural issues and corporate law, with particular reference to the impact of the composition on the group and the company’s resulting re-organisation. A module is dedicated to tax transactions and concordats concerning tax credits.

Course details

Degree type
Advanced postgraduate course
0 years
Supervisory body
Comitato scientifico del Corso di perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale in Concordato preventivo e Fallimentare
Main Department
Macro area
Law and Economics
Subject area