Short Masters programmes

Current year courses

Professional Master's programme in Corporate insolvency law
Degree class: MASTER
Location: Verona
Professional Master's programme in Diritto ed economia degli scambi internazionali: customs & excise, international tax law, international commercial law, international trade, operations & accounting extra ue, agri business
Degree class: MASTER
Location: Verona
Professional Master's programme in Law and economics of international trades: customs & excise duties, international tax law, international commercial law, international trade, extra-EU operations & accounting, agribusiness
Degree class: MASTER
Location: Verona
Master in Crisi d’impresa e diritto societario
Degree class: MASTER
Location: Verona
All available Short Masters programmes

Courses not currently running

Master I in Multiculturalism and Social Work with Troubled Families and Minors (interdepartmental)
Location: Verona
Master Universitario in Geologia forense
Degree class: MASTER
Location: Verona
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