Piano studio del curriculum Giudiziario forense


Registration year 2014/2015

Curriculum Giudiziario forense

The total number of Hours is 0.

Training activities Curriculum
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
- Civil Law 1 (-) 2014/2015
- Business law (-) 2014/2015
- Civil Procedure Law I (-) 2014/2015
- Criminal procedure law I (-) 2014/2015
- Criminal Law 1 (-) 2014/2015
- Administrative Law I (-) 2014/2015
- Fondamenti del diritto europeo (-) 2014/2015
- European Union Law (-) 2014/2015
- Labour Law I (-) 2014/2015
- Elementi di informatica giuridica (-) 2014/2015
- State and Public Entities Accounting (-) 2014/2015
- Economia e contabilità industriale (-) 2014/2015
- Stage  
- Specific activities of this program Civil law II (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Civil Procedure Law II (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Criminal Law II (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Criminal procedure law II (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Administrative Law II (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Labour Law II (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Church law (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program International law (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Deontologia giudiziaria e forense (-) 2015/2016
- Taxation Law (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Ordinamento giudiziario e forense (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Tecnica della comunicazione e dell'argomentazione (-) 2015/2016
- Specific activities of this program Roman Law (-) 2015/2016
- Stage  

Type of training activity (TTA)
A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities
D Activities to be chosen by the student
E Final examination
F Other activitites
S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations
Specific activities of this program Specific activities of this program