
Registration year 2008/2009

Curriculum Internazionale

This degree comes after the three-year degree Degree in Law.
The total number of Number of ECTS credits allocated is 300.

Training activities Curriculum
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
10  B Civil law I (Fl) (IUS/01) 2008/2009
10  B Criminal law I (Fl) (IUS/17) 2008/2009
10  B Civil procedure law (Ls) (IUS/15) 2008/2009
B Specific activities of this program International organisations Law (Fl) (IUS/13) 2008/2009
B Specific activities of this program International law (Fl) (IUS/13) 2008/2009
1.S.I. - Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Community Labour Law (IUS/07) 5 2008/2009
Constitutional justice (IUS/08) 5 2008/2009
Criminal Enforcement Law (IUS/16) 5 2008/2009
Criminal law of Information and Communication Technologies (IUS/17) 5 2008/2009
Cultural Heritage and Landscape Law (IUS/10) 5 2008/2009
European and Comparative Business Law (IUS/04) 5 2011/2012
Family Law (IUS/01) 5 2008/2009
Specific activities of this program Forensic medicine (Fl) (MED/43) 5 2011/2012
History of codification and modern constitutions (IUS/19) 5 2008/2009
History of Modern Legal Thought (IUS/19) 5 2008/2009
Industrial Relations (IUS/07) 5 2008/2009
Journalist information law (IUS/08) 5 2008/2009
Juvenile Law (IUS/17) 5 2008/2009
Methodology of Legal Science (IUS/20) 5 2008/2009
Principles of European private law (Ls) (IUS/18) 5 2008/2009
Tourism Law (IUS/06) 5 2008/2009
Transport and logistics law (Ls) (IUS/06) 5 2008/2009
2.S.I - Un esame a scelta:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program International arbitration law (Fl) (IUS/13) 5 2012/2013
Specific activities of this program International Trade Law (LS) (IUS/13) 5 2012/2013
10  C
3.S.I - Due esami a scelta:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program Comparative constitutional law (Fl) (IUS/21) 5 2012/2013
Specific activities of this program European private law (Fl) (IUS/02) 5 2012/2013
Specific activities of this program European Union Law (Fl) (IUS/14) 5 2012/2013
4.S.I- Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Community Labour Law (IUS/07) 5 2012/2013
Constitutional justice (IUS/08) 5 2012/2013
Criminal Enforcement Law (IUS/16) 5 2012/2013
Criminal law of Information and Communication Technologies (IUS/17) 5 2012/2013
Cultural Heritage and Landscape Law (IUS/10) 5 2012/2013
European and Comparative Business Law (IUS/04) 5 2012/2013
Family Law (IUS/01) 5 2012/2013
Specific activities of this program Forensic medicine (Fl) (MED/43) 5 2012/2013
History of codification and modern constitutions (IUS/19) 5 2012/2013
History of Modern Legal Thought (IUS/19) 5 2012/2013
Industrial Relations (IUS/07) 5 2012/2013
Journalist information law (IUS/08) 5 2012/2013
Juvenile Law (IUS/17) 5 2012/2013
Methodology of Legal Science (IUS/20) 5 2012/2013
Principles of European private law (Ls) (IUS/18) 5 2012/2013
Tourism Law (IUS/06) 5 2012/2013
Transport and logistics law (Ls) (IUS/06) 5 2012/2013
B Specific activities of this program International private and proceedings law (Fl) (IUS/13) 2012/2013
10  B Administrative procedure law (Ls) (IUS/10) 2012/2013
10  B Criminal procedure law (Ls) (IUS/16) 2012/2013
4° 5° F Further linguistic knowledges, informatic and communicative ability, trainings, ecc. (CFU to be gained during the whole two laurea specialistica years) (-) 2011/2012
4° 5° A/B/S
Attività formative a scelta dello studente: un insegnamento nei ssd delle attività formative di base, caratterizzanti o di sede oppure corsi interdisciplinari (crediti da conseguire durante tutto il biennio):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Civil law (doubtful circumstances about family and heritage) (IUS/01) 5 2011/2012
Community Labour Law (IUS/07) 5 2008/2009
Constitutional justice (IUS/08) 5 2008/2009
Criminal Enforcement Law (IUS/16) 5 2008/2009
Criminal law of Information and Communication Technologies (IUS/17) 5 2008/2009
Cultural Heritage and Landscape Law (IUS/10) 5 2008/2009
European and Comparative Business Law (IUS/04) 5 2011/2012
Family Law (IUS/01) 5 2008/2009
History of codification and modern constitutions (IUS/19) 5 2008/2009
History of Modern Legal Thought (IUS/19) 5 2008/2009
Industrial Relations (IUS/07) 5 2008/2009
Journalist information law (IUS/08) 5 2008/2009
Juvenile Law (IUS/17) 5 2008/2009
Methodology of Legal Science (IUS/20) 5 2008/2009
Principles of European private law (Ls) (IUS/18) 5 2008/2009
Tourism Law (IUS/06) 5 2008/2009
20  E Final test (LS) (-) 2012/2013

Type of training activity (TTA)
A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities
D Activities to be chosen by the student
E Final examination
F Other activitites
S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations
Specific activities of this program Specific activities of this program