24 November 2023
Sala Jacopo D’Ardizzone - Via C. Montanari, 9 – Verona
9.30 Welcome Address
Stefano Troiano, Head of the Department of Law, University of Verona
9.45 Introducing Remarks
Paolo Duret, University of Verona
10.00 - I session - Chair: Paolo Duret
Sustainable development and administrative procedure
New administrative procedures codification in Slovenia as a driver of sustainable development
Polonca Kovač, University of Ljubljana
Towards a new code of administrative procedure in Romania: the possible role of sustainable development
Mihaela Cărăuşan, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Bucharest
11.00 – 11.30 coffee break
Composite Procedures and Sustainable Development. The Polish Perspective
Łucasz Prus – University of Wrocław
Sustainable development and digitalisation: the Hungarian perspective
Erzsébet Csatlós, University of Szeged
12.30 LUNCH
15.00 - II Session - Chair: Giovanna Ligugnana
Sustainable development and administrative justice: challenges for environmental protection
The role of administrative courts in environmental protection in Croatia
Frane Staničić, University of Zagreb
Environmental justice in Poland: the case of the Turow power station
Anna De Ambrosis Vigna, University of Białystok
16.00 – 16.30 coffee break
III Session – Chair: Paolo Duret
Sustainable development, communities, and Local Government
Sustainable development and local self-government: administrative procedures on priority investments and the autonomy issues of Local Governments in Hungary
Judit Siket, University of Szeged
Sustainable development and Local Government: the role of Italian provinces
Matteo Pressi, University of Verona
18.00 Concluding Remarks
Giovanna Ligugnana, University of Verona
Comitato scientifico: Paolo Duret (paolo.duret@univr.it)
Giovanna Ligugnana (giovanna.ligugnana@univr.it)
Segreteria organizzativa: Vittorio Toffaletti (vittorio.toffaletti@univr.it)
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