Cecilia Pedrazza Gorlero (PhD 2004) teaches History of medieval and modern law, History of modern codifications and constitutions and History of public administration. She has given lectures at numerous conferences in Italy and abroad and is the author of publications (monographs and articles) on: legal methodology and interpretation in the modern age; Humanism and the legal Renaissance (with particular reference to 16th century France); the history of women and gender stereotypes in modernity and the contemporary age; the history of legal medicine (16th and 17th centuries); Law and Humanities. She is Scientific Referent (Project Sponsor) of the Law and Cinema Laboratory "Ius fiction" ("Ius-Fi"), within the Innovative Didactics Laboratory "IDEA" - Project of Excellence of the Department of Law of the University of Verona (MIUR 2018-2020). She is a member of the Organising Committee of the Inter-University Postgraduate Master's Degree Online (University of Florence - Dept. SAGAS; University of Verona - Dept. of Law) in Image Culture and Law. She is a lecturer at the Legal Clinic in Verona, within which she curates the didactic and research project 'Law/Language'. She is a member of the Italian Society for the History of Law, the Association of Medieval and Modern Law Historians, the Renaissance Society of America (RSA), the IF Association - 'Ius in fabula', of which she is also a founding member, the Société d'Histoire du Droit and the Italian Society of Historians (SIS).
Modules running in the period selected: 79.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Law and Humanities in legal history | Relationship between law and the arts in order to highlight the law ability to set the limits of legal formalism and to be a fundamental tool for interpreting social complexity. | History of Medieval and Modern Law |
Legal methodology | Legal methodology and Legal systems in the main European - and, above all, French - theoretical models (XVI-XVIII centuries). | History of Medieval and Modern Law |
Querelle des femmes': Women's rights in the Modern and Contemporary Ages | Women's rights in Modern and Contemporary ages, with particular regard to the analysis of the historical-juridical roots of gender discrimination and the consolidation of feminine stereotypes in Ancien Régime. | History of Medieval and Modern Law |
Legal Humanism and Renaissance Law | Legal Humanism and Renaissance Law (XV-XVI centuries) as an innovation era, within a context of radical institutional, social and religious changes. Topics of research: mos italicus and mos gallicus; scientia iuris and humanae litterae; roman law and national French law. | History of Medieval and Modern Law |
Office | Collegial Body |
member | Faculty Board of PhD in European and International Law - Department Law |
member | Collegio didattico di Giurisprudenza - Department Law |
member | Comitato d’indirizzo sulla Prevenzione della Corruzione |
Comitato Scientifico Corso di aggiornamento professionale in LadyLeader: Teorie e Pratiche di Leadership femminile - Department Law | |
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Formazione Continua Il Paesaggio tra ambiente, patrimonio e partecipazione - Department Law | |
Presidente del Presidio della Qualità | Commissione Didattica di Ateneo |
Presidente del Presidio della Qualità | Commissione Ricerca di Ateneo |
Presidente del Presidio della Qualità | Commission - third mission |
member | Legal Studies Department Council - Department Law |
member | Legal Studies Department Library Council |
Presidente del Presidio della Qualità | Quality Assurance Board |
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